Detailed timeline & project history

1. Period 06/2004 to 12/2004 - negotiations with the communes of Stary and Novy Tekov about a plan to develop the power plant, following negotiations and workarounds with municipal corporations, clarification of positions and resolutions

2. 14.1.2005 signature of the memorandum of association; company MVE Tekov ltd is founded with an involvement of both communes
based on negotiations and on the consent of the official representatives of the Stary and Novy Tekov communes.

• participation in the company: commune Novy Tekov 2%
• participation in the company: commune Stary Tekov 3%
• The investor commits to develop a light-weight bridge through the Hron river as a part of the power-plant project.

Design concept for the bridge - communal communication /not state/;
operation of the bridge managed by traffic light according to directives given by communes Stary and Novy Tekov
the bill for the construction of the light-weight bridge lies upon the MVE Tekov ltd; as a part of the power plant Tekov construction.
The communes involved in the project are not financially inolved in the power plant project preparation nor construction.
Their involvement lies only in their consent required for the project and in the use of the communal land on the shores of the channel,
which are required for the construction.

3. 10.03. 2005 - foundation of the MVE Tekov ltd; and kick-off in the preparation phase for the whole project

4. 01/2005 - 02/2006 - Environmnental Impact Assesment according to the law NR SR no. 127/94 Z.z.
- expert appraisal by the commisions in concern; elaboration of the Aim in the extent of announcement
* 10.2.2005 The Ministry of Environment renders a decision that: "the MVE Tekov project is not subjected for any further examination,
and that we can proceed by addressing the required legal authorities for further applications.

5. 2005 to 07/2007 - processing of documentation for a territorial decision and its solving with the responsible construction
participants and with the responsible bodies of the state administration
• 08/2006; VÚVH - Calculation on the behaviour of the water tables on the Hron river for the weir construction and the power plant
• geodetic work-around, komplex project solution design, the assessment of design variations
• adaptations according to the SVP - river Hron basin in Banska Bystrica and adaptations for other requirements

6. 2007 to 09/2009 - elaboration of a second documentation for territorial decission and concurrent documentation required
for the building permission - both documentations were elaborated concurrently and all changes and requirements originated
in the process /required changes; requirements by governmental bodies and construction participants/ were captured in these
complex documentations.
A large part of the projecting work is the fixation and pointing of the Hron river, the area around the power-plant, the actual
profile of the power-plant for the need of the land registry and for the successful solution in asset&legal nexus.

7. 08/2009 - orienting engineering and geodetic enquiry for the Tekov power-plant

8. 20.10.2009 - contract signature with the Slovak Water-management Corporation on rent of the profile fot the power plant.

9. od 10/2009 do 02/2010 :

9. from 10/2009 to 02/2010:

• solving the financial background of the Tekov power-plant project, investor involvement and bank negotiations
• VUVH Calculation on the behaviour of the water tables on the Hron river for the weir construction and the power plant - refined & particularized
• Plan for flood-protection and management
• Plan for fire-protection and safety for the power-plant construction
• Energetic audit for the power-plant
• Ministry of Environment assigns the MVE Tekov power-plant into the category of aquatic structures
• energetic connection of the MVE Tekov power-plant

10. 02/2010 - Territorial Decision for MVE Tekov power-plant

11. 02/2010 – KÚŽP /County body for Environment/ Nitra - Building permission for MVE Tekov power-plant

12. elaboration of the agenda and of the application for the financial contribution from EU sources

13. 12/2010 Ministry of Commerce of Slovak Republic - Decission of approval of the application for financial support from the EU

14. consecutive elaborations of realization projects for the MVE power-plant and its objects

15. 03/2011 Ministry of Commerce of Slovak Republic - contract signature on EU financial support

16. 04/2011 contract signature with the financing bank institution

20.04.2011 - MVE Tekov power plant construction works start.

31.03.2014 construction works end.

18. Projected technical parameters for the MVE Tekov power plant:

• projected flow: 2 x 29 m3/s
• projected head: 4,2 m
• projected generator output: 2 x 998 kW
• turbine count and type: 2 pcs; horizontal, Kaplan turbines with a direct connection to the generators
• planned yearly production: 9 300 to 10 233 MWh/year


© MVE Tekov 2014